Drake er en produktiv fyr, og bare litt over ett år etter sitt svært (både kritiker- og kommersielt) suksessfulle andre album Take Care, nærmer det seg en ny skive. Tidligere ble det sagt at en ny single ville bli sluppet like etter Grammy-utdelingen neste uke, men det kan se ut som det ble litt lenge å vente: Låten Started From the Bottom hører du her:
Via bloggen sin melder han:
My good friends,
It has truly been too long. I assume you're all keeping well and making the most of this year that has been given to us. Today is the day to begin sharing my newest work with you. This is the first single off of my upcoming album. I feel sometimes that people don't have enough information about my beginnings and therefore they make up a life story for me that isn't consistent with actual events. My family and my second family (consisting of the best friends anybody could ever have) all struggled and worked extremely hard to make all this happen. I did not buy my way into this spot and it was the furthest thing from easy to achieve. I am proud of every part of my past and I'm excited for this song to find a place in your life as well. I didn't feel I needed any interviews or radio or press to launch this song. It felt right to come back to the site that I started on and release it to the people that started here with me. Judging by this post, the tour that we've been planning, the conversations about new songs and album artwork...I think it's safe to say we're back together again. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
"You don't have to ask me how I'm doing...just listen to the music" - K.Samir

90-tallshelter til Norge!
Til Oslo med nytt album

King Hüsky slipper ny singel og varsler debutalbum
Ny strålende singel fra Kvelertak-gitaristen